Households are back to as normal as is possible while Covid-19 is still with us, so it’s time to get things sorted out with less time organising day trips to the beach and picnics in the countryside.
One sadly overlooked task for many people is putting in place a will.
Statistics show that around 54% of adults do not have a will. Almost 6 in 10 (59%) of parents do not have a will or have one that is out of date, yet the one statistic which is a 100% certainty is that all parents will at some point die.
Where there is a family with children under 18, parents will need to think carefully about who they would like to appoint as their children’s guardian – who do they trust to provide the children’s day to day care? Where will they live, what schools will they go to are questions to consider on top of the all-important questions of who can provide the love and care they need every day to set them on their way in life.
Wills are not all about money but very much about lives
While wills can set out all of these vital details, they also need to deal with assets and access to them. A will is only really useful when it covers all the assets owned by the person concerned and knowing how to access these is not always easy. In our increasingly paperless world, this can prove tricky; the only access might be via the internet with password protected access.
Think practically and make sure that you get professional legal advice for your will. Make sure also that you keep all the paperwork somewhere safe so that your loved ones have access to your personal and financial details.
But above all, think about what you want for your children if the worst happens and you are not here to care for them; plan ahead so that you know that their future is as secure as you can make it.