
New recycling obligations for businesses

11 March 2025

A businessman recycling

Workplaces and households in England are obliged to dispose of waste legally and to recycle where possible. Different local authorities offer different modes of collection can lead to confusion. Parliament has attempted to address this through passing new laws aimed at simplifying recycling obligations. This initiative is known as Simpler Recycling.

What are the new recycling obligations for businesses?

From 31 March 2025, most businesses in England must separate the following waste types from each other:

  • Dry recyclable materials – these include plastic, metal, glass, paper and card
  • Food
  • Residual waste – anything which cannot be recycled.

Which businesses must comply?

Any workplace producing waste similar to household waste. These include offices, retail and wholesale premises, healthcare premises such as care homes, hospitals and GP surgeries. Hospitality premises are also covered, as are transport and storage facilities.

What must a business do?

If your business provides its own bins in the workplace, they must be suitable for waste to be separated into dry recyclable waste, food waste and black bin waste.

If a business has an arrangement with its landlord or a waste contractor to arrange disposal of its waste, the obligation to comply with Simpler Recycling passes to the landlord or waste contractor.

What actions should workplaces take?

  • Consider what type of waste your business is producing
  • Think about whether your current bins or waste disposal systems allow the workplace to separate waste in compliance with Simpler Recycling.
  • Ensure your staff are using the correct bins. Make it easy for them through consistent labelling and internal training on the importance complying with Simpler Recycling
  • Agree with any waste contractor as to how it will collect waste. Certain waste contractors are allowed to collect paper and card together with other dry recyclables. If your waste contractor is proposing to do this, ask to see their written co-collection assessment
  • Businesses should only be appointing waste contractors who appear on the Register of Waste Carriers, Brokers and Dealers.

When must this be done by?

Most businesses will need to comply with Simpler Recycling by 31 March 2025.

Businesses with less than 10 full-time employees in total across all business locations have until 31 March 2027 to comply.

What happens if a business does not comply?

Failure to comply with Simpler Recycling may result in the Environment Agency issuing a compliance notice. Not complying with a compliance notice is a criminal offence for which a business may ultimately be prosecuted.

If in doubt, businesses should seek advice on whether they need to change their current practices.

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