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Hefin Archer-Williams

Partner (FCILEx), Head of Cardiff Office

Why choose me

I speak Welsh

Having had a broad training, I quickly found my passion was dealing with disputes. With every matter I strive to acquire an in-depth insight into a company or individual’s world by listening carefully to their personal and commercial objectives, before explaining the legal and practical steps they can take to resolve their issue.

This is personally rewarding, whilst also protecting clients at times of distress and uncertainty and therefore allowing a collaborative approach to managing their risk and avoiding litigation wherever possible.

With this approach I strive to provide the highest quality service and build strong relationships with my clients. I often act on contract negotiations, commercial disputes – on energy related issues – and disputes over wills and legacies. I also work with individuals, such as solicitors and accountants, facing disciplinary hearings relating to their professional bodies.

Born and brought up in Wales, my first language was Welsh. I am, like many Welshmen passionate about sport and have been fortunate to be able to use my skills to assist professional sports players in contract negotiations and disputes, as well as sitting on the boards/committees of groups such as Disability Sport Wales, Welsh Badminton, Welsh Basketball, various charities relating to sport and being the honorary lawyer to Team Wales (Melbourne Commonwealth Games).  I recently represented Great Britain (with a Welsh flag) as a player in the 2019 World Touch Rugby tournament in Malaysia.

Pam dewis fi

Ar ôl cyfnod o hyfforddiant eang, fe wnes i sylweddoli’n fuan taw delio ag anghydfodau oedd y maes i mi. Ym mhob achos, dwi’n ceisio edrych yn fanwl ar bob agwedd o fyd cwmni neu unigolyn gan wrando’n astud ar eu nodau personal a masnachol, cyn egluro’r camau cyfreithiol ac ymarferol sydd ar gael er mwyn datrys y broblem.

Mae hyn yn hynod wobrwyol i mi’n bersonol tra’n fy ngalluogi i amddiffyn fy nghleientiaid yn ystod amseroedd anodd ac ansicr. Mae hynny felly yn meithrin dulliau cydweithredol o weithio gyda fy nghleientiaid er mwyn rheoli’r risg ac osgoi ymgyfreitha ble bynnag mae hynny’n bosib.

Dwi felly’n ceisio darparu’r gwasanaeth gorau posib i’m cleientiaid a meithrin perthnasoedd cadarn gyda hwy. Dwi’n aml yn delio â materion sy’n ymwneud â thrafod telerau cytundebau, anghydfodau masnachol – yn ymwneud â materion egni – a hefyd anghydfodau cymhleth ynglŷn ag ewyllysiau ac ymddiriedolaethau. Dwi hefyd yn gweithio gydag unigolion fel cyfreithwyr a chyfrifyddion sy’n wynebu gwrandawiadau disgyblaethol gan eu cyrff proffesiynol.

Cefais fy ngeni a’m magu yng Nghymru a’r Gymraeg yw fy iaith gyntaf. Fel cynifer o Gymry eraill, dwi’n dwli ar chwaraeon ac wedi bod yn ddigon ffodus i ddefnyddio fy sgiliau i gynorthwyo chwaraewyr chwaraeon proffesiynol yn ystod trafodaethau telerau cytundebau ac anghydfodau, yn ogystal ag eistedd ar fyrddau a phwyllgorau grwpiau fel Chwaraeon Anabledd Cymru, Badminton Cymru, Pêl Fasged Cymru a nifer o elusennau chwaraeon. Cefais hefyd y fraint o gael fy mhenodi fel cyfreithiwr Tîm Cymru yn ystod Gemau’r Gymanwlad ym Melbourne. Yn fwy diweddar fe wnes i gynrychioli Prydain Fawr (gyda baner Cymru) fel chwaraewr yn nhwrnamaint Rygbi Cyffwrdd y Byd 2019 ym Malaysia.

I speak Welsh

Having had a broad training, I quickly found my passion was dealing with disputes. With every matter I strive to acquire an in-depth insight into a company or individual’s world by listening carefully to their personal and commercial objectives, before explaining the legal and practical steps they can take to resolve their issue.

This is personally rewarding, whilst also protecting clients at times of distress and uncertainty and therefore allowing a collaborative approach to managing their risk and avoiding litigation wherever possible.

With this approach I strive to provide the highest quality service and build strong relationships with my clients. I often act on contract negotiations, commercial disputes – on energy related issues – and disputes over wills and legacies. I also work with individuals, such as solicitors and accountants, facing disciplinary hearings relating to their professional bodies.

Born and brought up in Wales, my first language was Welsh. I am, like many Welshmen passionate about sport and have been fortunate to be able to use my skills to assist professional sports players in contract negotiations and disputes, as well as sitting on the boards/committees of groups such as Disability Sport Wales, Welsh Badminton, Welsh Basketball, various charities relating to sport and being the honorary lawyer to Team Wales (Melbourne Commonwealth Games).  I recently represented Great Britain (with a Welsh flag) as a player in the 2019 World Touch Rugby tournament in Malaysia.

Pam dewis fi

Ar ôl cyfnod o hyfforddiant eang, fe wnes i sylweddoli’n fuan taw delio ag anghydfodau oedd y maes i mi. Ym mhob achos, dwi’n ceisio edrych yn fanwl ar bob agwedd o fyd cwmni neu unigolyn gan wrando’n astud ar eu nodau personal a masnachol, cyn egluro’r camau cyfreithiol ac ymarferol sydd ar gael er mwyn datrys y broblem.

Mae hyn yn hynod wobrwyol i mi’n bersonol tra’n fy ngalluogi i amddiffyn fy nghleientiaid yn ystod amseroedd anodd ac ansicr. Mae hynny felly yn meithrin dulliau cydweithredol o weithio gyda fy nghleientiaid er mwyn rheoli’r risg ac osgoi ymgyfreitha ble bynnag mae hynny’n bosib.

Dwi felly’n ceisio darparu’r gwasanaeth gorau posib i’m cleientiaid a meithrin perthnasoedd cadarn gyda hwy. Dwi’n aml yn delio â materion sy’n ymwneud â thrafod telerau cytundebau, anghydfodau masnachol – yn ymwneud â materion egni – a hefyd anghydfodau cymhleth ynglŷn ag ewyllysiau ac ymddiriedolaethau. Dwi hefyd yn gweithio gydag unigolion fel cyfreithwyr a chyfrifyddion sy’n wynebu gwrandawiadau disgyblaethol gan eu cyrff proffesiynol.

Cefais fy ngeni a’m magu yng Nghymru a’r Gymraeg yw fy iaith gyntaf. Fel cynifer o Gymry eraill, dwi’n dwli ar chwaraeon ac wedi bod yn ddigon ffodus i ddefnyddio fy sgiliau i gynorthwyo chwaraewyr chwaraeon proffesiynol yn ystod trafodaethau telerau cytundebau ac anghydfodau, yn ogystal ag eistedd ar fyrddau a phwyllgorau grwpiau fel Chwaraeon Anabledd Cymru, Badminton Cymru, Pêl Fasged Cymru a nifer o elusennau chwaraeon. Cefais hefyd y fraint o gael fy mhenodi fel cyfreithiwr Tîm Cymru yn ystod Gemau’r Gymanwlad ym Melbourne. Yn fwy diweddar fe wnes i gynrychioli Prydain Fawr (gyda baner Cymru) fel chwaraewr yn nhwrnamaint Rygbi Cyffwrdd y Byd 2019 ym Malaysia.

Related services and specialisms from HCR Law

Questions my clients ask me

At the outset, there are usually too many unknown factors to give anything but an indication of the final costs, but I will give a budget for the initial steps and stick to it.

As a firm, we prefer not to take things to court if we can help it – it’s costly, stressful and time consuming. Instead, we can look at either a formal or informal mediation.

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20 June 2023 1 minute read

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