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Milly Munro


Why choose me

I chose to specialise in child and parent law because I wanted to help families and children going through tough and emotionally draining circumstances. This is an area of law which really makes a difference to those involved – reaching a fair outcome which keeps children safe is very rewarding.

When I work with clients, I take time to break down the proceedings and explain them step-by-step. I ensure to be on-hand at all times to support my clients; I appreciate that children proceedings can be incredibly stressful and emotionally draining.

I offer pragmatic, realistic and compassionate advice to parents and relatives of children. My specialisms include vulnerable adults, clients with mental health and substance abuse issues, dealing with allegations or concerns of sexual harm, deprivation of liberty applications, adoption and appealing care orders.

Outside of work my passions are travelling, reading and going to gigs and theatre performances.

Photo of Milly Munro

I chose to specialise in child and parent law because I wanted to help families and children going through tough and emotionally draining circumstances. This is an area of law which really makes a difference to those involved – reaching a fair outcome which keeps children safe is very rewarding.

When I work with clients, I take time to break down the proceedings and explain them step-by-step. I ensure to be on-hand at all times to support my clients; I appreciate that children proceedings can be incredibly stressful and emotionally draining.

I offer pragmatic, realistic and compassionate advice to parents and relatives of children. My specialisms include vulnerable adults, clients with mental health and substance abuse issues, dealing with allegations or concerns of sexual harm, deprivation of liberty applications, adoption and appealing care orders.

Outside of work my passions are travelling, reading and going to gigs and theatre performances.

Questions my clients ask me

Care proceedings do involve court hearings which you will be expected to attend. At court, I will represent you and speak to the court on your behalf. You might have to give evidence, but only if it goes to a final hearing.

Those involved in public proceedings automatically receive legal aid. We complete the applications so clients don’t have to worry about this. Those involved in private proceedings may get legal aid depending on their individual circumstances.

I can’t answer this with certainty as it depends on the circumstances and available evidence. In any cases involving children, their wellbeing always takes first priority.

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